Secret Supplement Marketing Strategies Used By The Elite 1%

FREE Guide: How to use one of the most effective marketing strategies to explode your profits

My name is Jordan Winslet.

I’ve been a successful marketing strategist for the last 8 years. And today...

I’m gonna shed the light on one of the biggest marketing cover-ups of all time.

A secret strategy used to generate upwards of $340,000 in pure profits...

Every single day.

It’s completely different from anything you’ve ever used in your entire life.

As a matter of fact...

Even the upper echelon of the supplement giants don’t know this strategy exists.

I’m talking about the 7 and 8-figure earners.

What makes this strategy different from all others is that it focuses on turning one single ingredient... into the “star” of your supplement product.

Making it appear new and unique to the masses, using what I’ve dubbed the Reframe Method.

Now, depending on where you are in your business...

$340,000 a day in pure profits may seem a little out of reach.

Maybe you’re just starting out...

And you’d be thrilled with a moderate 5... 10... even $20,000 each month.

Whatever the case, this strategy will get you there.

See, whenever you create something that looks new and unique...

Your brain can’t help but get attracted to it.

It’s in our DNA.

Think about it...

When was the last time you were in the snack isle of a grocery store?

How many different NEW flavors of the same brand did you notice?

Be honest now...

How many times did you reach out...

And grab the NEW flavor, just because it was new?

That’s how powerful this technique is.

Now, I know...

This is just a simple example, used to illustrate a point.

Because when it comes to selling supplements, things get a little more complex.

You’re no longer selling a different flavor of the same brand...

You’re selling an entirely different type of snack.

And the supplement marketing strategy that I’m gonna share with you today will do exactly that.

You’ll be front and center as the brand-NEW, never-before-seen solution...

Capable of fulfilling your prospect’s deepest desire, no matter what supplement you’re selling.

... and no matter how jaded your prospect is.

All of their resistance will melt away the moment they engage with your sales message.

That’s because...

The Reframe Method triggers the part of the brain which we have no control over

For years, neurologists have known that whenever we experience something new...

Our brain “lights up”...

And gives all of our attention to whatever that new thing is[1][2].

But here’s the thing...

We have no control over this behavior.

If it’s new...

Our brain will get excited.

And if our brain gets excited...

It will force us to find out more about this new and exciting thing.

So if there’s a proven way to make a prospect act...

That’s beyond the power of their control...

That’s also based on empirical evidence...

It makes sense to spend most of your marketing efforts on making your product appear new and unique.

But most marketers have it backwards.

They focus on the big benefit...

The proof...

The offer...

The funnel... etc.

Truth is, NONE of that matters.

If your product can’t appear new and unique in your prospect’s mind...

You’re toast.

There’s no way you’ll make it in the cutthroat world of natural supplements.

And if you’ve dabbled with other marketing methods in the past...

And had no success...

This is probably why.

But once you understand how to apply the Reframe Method...

And once you adopt it for yourself...

You’ll not only compete...

You’ll cripple the competition in one of the most competitive markets on the planet

Imagine having the power to create advertising so successful...

You can scale it on cold traffic, almost at will.

When you have the power to scale cold traffic...

Not only are you setting yourself apart from the herd of marketers who don’t possess this rare ability...

But you’re also in full control of your business.

You’re in the driving seat with your hands firm on the steering wheel... taking your business exactly where you want it to go.

That’s when you have the power to experience explosive growth — with a touch of a finger.

It’s at that point when scaling your business is no longer a question of if but of how.

“How much money do I want to make today?”

When you reach this triumphant point...

A point that most marketers and entrepreneurs can only dream about...

You’ll have the rare ability to generate four... five... even six figure days...

All from a single product.

That’s how the small handful of elite marketers who know this secret strategy are able to scale from $0 to 7-figures, within a year.

When your product appears new and unique to the market...

It won’t matter that your prospects have never heard of you. They’ll have an uncontrollable urge to buy your product, regardless.

That’s the type of ich you can create when you start using the Reframe Method.

And that’s the secret strategy I’m gonna share with you today.

Like I’ve said before, my name is Jordan Winslet.

I’ve been a successful marketer for nearly a decade.

And during my career in the advertising space, I’ve created hundreds of marketing campaigns.

Now, I wish I could tell you they’ve all been successful...

But the truth is...

Early on in my career, I’ve created more bombs than I’d like to admit. And my clients weren’t too happy.

I had no control over whether or not a campaign was going to be successful. I did my best during the research phase to find something unique and interesting about the product...

And I’d lead with the biggest promise I could come up with.

I’d spend months writing the promotion...

And when I finally finished, I’d hand it off to the client.

Then I’d wait.

I’d wait in anticipation, dying to find out whether I created a success... or yet another flop.

It was my Hail Mary attempt at advertising.

Sadly, most copywriters and marketers still go about it this way.

They don’t have any control over the success of their campaign. Because they don’t know what to look for.

They don’t have a system in place that can see what the market feels

It wasn’t until years later that I discovered the secret that I’m gonna share with you today.

And because I’ve been obsessed with marketing for such a long time...

I was — and still am to this day — subscribed to the newsletters of the biggest and most successful direct response companies on the planet.

And I regularly keep an eye out to see what trends are currently working.

And after looking through my collection of successful ads, in hopes of finding a pattern...

I noticed something unusual.

I began to spot a trend.

Many of the reoccurring ads in my inbox...

The ones that kept reoccurring for months and years at a time — letting me know that they were the most successful, and worth studying...

They all had one thing in common.

They all somehow made their products appear new and unique.

It didn’t matter that the ingredients were the same old ingredients, they’ve been bombarding prospects with for decades.

Whenever the product appeared new and unique...

It became irresistible in the eyes of the prospect.

Prospects are powerless to this type of marketing, just as the research has shown.

I became obsessed with discovering this secret.

I had to find out how they did it.

I thought...

If I could find the key ingredients that would trigger the prospect’s brain to “light up”...

I could control the success of an ad — or at least, increase my odds greatly.

And as a result, I could often explode the profits of whichever supplement company I was working with.

So I started to break down each successful promotion I could get my hands on.

I spent over 970-hours total, carefully examining each ad... looking for the distinguishing factors that made each product appear new and unique.

And after months of trial and error...

I’ve finally reverse-engineered this secret.

I found the 3 common factors that can make any ad appear new and unique in the eyes of a prospect.

And I’ve been using them successfully ever since.

Now, while the secret is simple to grasp...

Applying it can be rather tricky.

This is why Most Copywriters and Marketing “Experts” Produce Nothing but Duds

They depend on marketing tactics...

Like increasing average cart value...

And bombarding the prospect with upsells...



Retargeting campaigns and anything else in between.

But once you understand how to apply the Reform Method to your own advertising...

You won’t have to worry about average cart value... upsells... downsells... false-urgency or any other unethical tactics — or parts of the funnel for that matter.

You’ll have a clean, clear path to the sale...

That your prospect won’t be able to resist.

Because once you apply this secret...

The sale practically makes itself.

So, How Do You Apply the Reform Method to Your Own Advertising?

It’s simple.

The best way to learn, I find...

Is to follow along with a successful example.

That’s why right now, I’ll share some examples that will help you get a better understanding of how to put the pieces together.

Let’s say you’re selling a weight loss supplement.

And the product has the following ingredients in it:


**Crocus sativus extract and


If you were to add a dash of curiosity to the mix...

Your headline could look something like:

Burn twice the fat with these 3 Natural Metabolite-Boosters

Not bad...

But not great either.

This type of headline may have worked several years ago...

But the chances of this headline pulling a massive response nowadays is slim to none.

The weight loss industry is one of the toughest to write for.

Not only is it ultra-competitive — swimming with some of the savviest marketers on the planet...

... the great white sharks of the marketing industry...

But the prospects have heard every promise under the sun. Which makes it that much more difficult to open the sale. These prospects rarely get excited. And if they’re not excited, they won’t bother reading your limp headline.

Let’s apply the Reframe Method to see if we can spice things up a bit...

And make this weight loss product sound new and unique.

Surely if it’s unique, it will trigger the part of the prospects’ brain that will force them to engage with our sales message.

Just as the research has shown[1][2].

First, instead of focusing on all 3 ingredients...

Let’s focus on one. Mangosteen.

According to a 2018 study out of Italy, mangosteen — an Indonesian fruit — helps improve insulin sensitivity[3].

And as you may already know...

Better insulin = lower body fat.

Now that we have this interesting tidbit...

We can share it with the prospect.

We’ll let them know that this secret ingredient... is the key to losing fat.

So our revised headline could look something like:

Italian scientists shocked as “Strange Indonesian fruit” helps burn twice the body fat of diet and exercise


Much better.

But there’s a way to improve it even further.

Nothing makes a product appear new and unique than juxtaposition. (A contrarian way of getting results.)

So after you find your unique ingredient... and after you add some curiosity... it’s time to apply a juxtaposition.

Ask yourselef, how can you make this headline more shocking than it already is?


If you dig a little more into the research...

You’ll learn that mangosteen is quite popular in Thai cuisine.

As a matter of fact...

Thai people LOVE making a special kind of ice cream dessert with it.

So naturally, you make the connection.

What’s more contrarian than using a dessert that’s known to make you fat... as a tool for losing fat?

Here’s an actual headline, written by a very talented copywriter, who clearly knew how to apply the Reframe Method correctly:

Indulging in this dessert sheds up to 5 inches off your waistline... starting in just 14 days!

Incredible, isn’t it?

This copywriter just positioned a weight loss dessert...

As a tool for shedding inches off your waistline.

Think about what that does to the prospect’s brain.

It’s irresistible beyond a level which they can control.

I’m willing to bet this headline captured the attention of anyone remotely interested in losing weight.

And if this sales letter continued making the product appear new and unique... at least a third of the way through the promo...

I wouldn’t be surprised if they generated six — maybe even seven — figures, all from this one reframe.

And all in less than a year.

Now, I know I’ve given you quite a bit of information here.

And some of it may be difficult to wrap your head around.

That’s why it’s probably best to re-read this page several more times...

To let this info really sink in.

Once you apply the Reframe Method to the rest of your advertising...

I have no doubt in my mind you’ll dominate your industry, no matter what industry you’re in. You’ll likely see immediate — and drastic — improvements, all across the board.

And while the Reframe Method is simple...

It can be difficult to master.

That’s why there’s an even easier way of applying the Reframe Method.

It’s so easy in fact... you won’t have to do a thing.

You can take a vacation for several weeks...

And when you get back...

Your unique sales message will be there — eagerly waiting to be unleashed onto the market...

... to beat the living pulp out of every advertisement you’ve ever tested in the past...

... and to control the market share, no matter how competitive you think your industry is.

Sounds like a fantasy.

But it’s not.

It’s as simple as hiring me to do the “heavy lifting” for you.

It’s the stress-free way of applying the Reframe Method to your next project.

So if you’d like to improve your current sales letter... and give it a boost that can generate four... five... and even six figures in profit, every single day...

Or if you simply need help with your next marketing promotion...

You can contact me here.

It’s likely the best chance you’ve got at improving your current business.

Why struggle when you can leave it in the hands of a pro — and work on other areas of your business that are your strengths?

You can either continue doing what you’ve been doing all along...

And get the same results you’ve been getting...

Or you can do something different.

And make 2024 the most profitable year yet.

You have the power to finally make a change.

So don’t hesitate to make a change.

Contact me today.

Note: 2024 is a busy year for me, and the earliest I can start a new project is around August, 2024.

With that said, you can contact me today and we schedule something at a later date when I’m available.







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